The Escape- David Baldacci

Genre: Mystery/Thriller

The Escape by David Baldacci is the third book in the John Puller series. Unlike the first and second book, this story is very close to the heart of John Puller as it involves his immediate family. 

The tale begins when a man escapes from a military prison deemed inescapable and impossible! The security systems in the USDB or the United States Disciplinary Barracks are nothing like ones in any other prison. None of its prisoners dream of escaping because they know it is impossible!

Until now… Robert Puller, a convicted felon of treason and national security crimes, who is also the older brother of honourable CID (Criminal Investigation Division) soldier allegedly escapes from the prison during a storm when the electricity went off. His unfathomable escape from the prison has now made him the most wanted man in the country. While it goes against all the army rules, John Puller is allowed to investigate the disappearance of Robert Puller as the higher-ups believe that John represents their best chance at capturing Robert alive. 

But as Puller investigates, he discovers that there are other, more dangerous people following Robert Puller and will do anything to make sure he is not alive. He also finds an abundance of evidence proving that Robert Puller was innocent when he went to jail. 

On top of all this, Puller is thrown into an uneasy partnership with another agent, Veronica Knox, and finds out that she might not be who she said she is.

When John comes face to face with his brother, do you think he will do the right thing by turning his brother in? …Or will he help his brother prove his innocence and be free for the rest of his life? This is a question that will not be answered until nearly the end.

A spectacular book… I completely enjoyed reading this novel! My view of John Puller has changed from what I thought of him in his first book, and I have grown to like his personality a lot! Amazingly crafted… kudos to this author for writing such fantastic books! I can’t wait to read the fourth and currently the last book in this series soon… but it will have to wait considering the number of other books piled up to read right now!


Other books in the John Puller series include:

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